God's Message to Every Soul

It's Time to Seek God!

The earth and humanity is groaning in distress. More frequently now than ever before, people ask:”What does the future hold? Why are we here?” After discovering Empower Missions, a young man said: “Some of us we were just playing without knowing that the world is going to the end.” It’s time to seek God! May you and many others be blessed through this ministry!

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Keep about your work!

Keep about your work!

by Dr. H.M.S. Richards The Lord has given to every man his work. It is his business to do it and the devil's business to hinder him if he can. So...

Powerful Flu Bomb Recipe

Powerful Flu Bomb Recipe

Flu Bomb Recipe for Virus and Bacteria Natural remedy for virus and the flu! This is a powerful flue bomb recipe – a mix of natural ingredients that...

“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”

– Proverbs 23:23

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God’s Message to Every soul
