Ellen White saw Jesus in her visions that she received from God. Although she does not write herself exactly how Jesus looked like, there is a picture/painting of Jesus that supposedly is looking very much like what Ellen G. White saw. Mrs. Abbie Kellog Norton had this image at her home, and Ellen White had supposedly said: “It looks as I’ve seen our Saviour in vision–it’s more nearly a likeness than anything I have ever seen“.
Ellen White and the Picture of Jesus

Ellen G. White Estate Comments
Here are the sources where the information comes from:
“Thank you for contacting the Ellen G. White Estate. Here’s what the White Estate has in its files regarding the picture of Christ under discussion:
Letter written by Mrs. Abbie Kellogg Norton, March 19, 15: “I well recall seeing Brother and Sister White coming to our home many times when I was a child-probably in 1878-79 or 1880-81-and Sister White never failed to comment upon the picture and its likeness to the Saviour as she had seen Him in visions. I think her exact words were, ‘Yes, yes, it looks as I’ve seen our Saviour in vision–it’s more nearly a likeness than anything I have ever seen.’ Of course it made a great impression on us all.”
Ellen G. White Estate
Letter by W. C. White to Fred Harvey, April 25, 15: “I have heard my mother say something about this picture corresponding with what you have written. I think that what you have written is a little more emphatic than what I have heard, but I know she considered it the most nearly correct of any picture she had seen.”
White Estate further says:
“The White Estate reminds and cautions those interested in the picture that we do not have anything that Ellen White has written on this matter, but only these memory statements.”