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Secrets of Peak Mental Health

Secrets of Peak Mental Health

By David DeRose, MD, MPH, and Bernell Baldwin, PhD, neuroscientist In 1944, at the age of 16, Edith Eger was taken by the Nazis from her home in Hungary and sent to the infamous Auschwitz death camp. Although spared the gas chambers used on her parents, the...

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Steps to Health

Steps to Health

Being healthy means more than just not being sick. Good health is life lived at your full potential-physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. The Bible calls this the “abundant” life (see John 10:10), and it is exactly what God wants you to have. He says, “I...

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Medical Drug Treatments one of the Biggest Killers

Medical Drug Treatments one of the Biggest Killers

Thanks to some medical advances, we can cure diseases and we are learning more and more about how to also prevent diseases. But today's medical care also has a big downside. Inaccurate and inadequate drug treatments in the Swedish health care costs society billions of...

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Lyme Disease – Symptoms and Treatment

Lyme Disease – Symptoms and Treatment

Have you, or someone else you know, been trying to figure out health problems without any solution? You might have gotten a diagnose like ME, chronic fatigue syndrom, fibromyalgia, somatization disorder, without knowing the cause. In either case, this article will be...

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Egg Consumption Increases Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Egg Consumption Increases Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Cohort studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that eating 3 eggs or more per week increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. 12 cohort studies in United States looked at about 220 000 subjects and 8911 cases of Diabetes Type 2. Those who ate...

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Late Snacking could Damage Your Brain

Late Snacking could Damage Your Brain

Snacking late has negative impact on health Do you have a habit of eating late? New research says it could have a negative impact on your brain. According to a recent study, eating late meals could have a negative impact on learning and memory functions. The...

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WHO’s Health Alert: Meat causes Cancer

WHO’s Health Alert: Meat causes Cancer

Meat added to the carcinogen warning list For the first time, WHO (World Health Organization) puts food on the list of causes to cancer. Meat just entered the list of carcinogens where we already find tobacco, alcohol, arsenic and different kinds of radiation. The...

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Virus Found in Dairy Products Linked to Breast Cancer

Virus Found in Dairy Products Linked to Breast Cancer

It is already known that drinking alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) and smoking, increases a woman's risk of breast cancer.A virus found in beef and dairy products seems to be another possible risk factor for breast cancer, according to a case-control study involving 239...

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