
This video & audio library is primarily English, although it also includes Swedish and Norwegian. Be blessed!

Daniel 2 – God is in Control

Can we trust the Bible? Daniel chapter two outlines a prophecy about kingdoms that were to rise and fall over a time of 2500 years. God foretold the future, from ancient Babylon to a divided Europe, and the end of the world....

The Fragrance of Christ, in the Book of Daniel

A fragrance is spreading fast, and really makes an impact. In a similar way, our lives spread an aroma. The question is: Which aroma are we spreading around us, and how can we spread the fragrance of Christ? This lecture...

Introduction to the Book of Daniel

An introduction to the book of Daniel. What is the situation, and what lessons can we learn? Scripture: 2 Kings 24:2-3, 14, 2 Chronicles 36:5-8, Daniel 2:12-13, Psalms 91:5-11, Matthew 6:33-34, Date and place: March 24 2015,...

The Day-Year Principle and Prophetic Symbolism

Why is there so much symbolism in prophecies, and what is the center? In this lecture you will learn more about this as well as about the day-year principle, which unveils the key to understand apocalyptic time prophecies....

God’s Pattern in Raising Up Prophets

God is raising up prophets to draw attention to the prophecies! Dealing with time prophecies, God has a special way of working. This is part 3 in a series on prophecy interpretation. Scripture: Jude 14-15, Matthew 24:37-39,...

Antichrist’s Reformation Agenda

Antichrist is in the process of a shift of change - the wound is getting healed. This false system of worship is attempting to unite all churches, and plan to take part in the reformation anniversary in 2017. There are hard...

7 Reasons to Study Bible Prophecy

Discover seven reasons why we need to study prophecy and why God gave it to us. This is part 1 in a series on prophecy interpretation. Scripture: Isaiah 46:9-10, Amos 3:7, John 14:29, Luke 24:27, 32, Jonah 3:3-5, 10,...

A Man After God’s Own Heart

Our culture encourages us to listen to our carnal part of the body: “Follow your heart” many say - also Christians! But, what does God's Word say? Discover how God wants to form you to a man after His own heart. Jeremiah...