
This video & audio library is primarily English, although it also includes Swedish and Norwegian. Be blessed!

A Prophet for This Generation

A Prophet for This Generation “As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning to the world extends, it becomes more important for those who...

Go Green (Norsk)

Lær et par enkle men essensielle og avgjørende egenskaper for suksess i ditt personlige kristne liv og i din tjeneste for Gud. I tillegg til å være lett å huske vil dette budskapet gi deg både inspirasjon og praktiske tips. Scripture:...

A Greater Reality

Are there more to the reality, than what it seems from your perspective?

In Every Tongue The everlasting gospel is to go to every nation, tribe, tongue and people. Let’s do an eye-opening reality check, think of how this can happen and how we can...

The Three Angels’ Messages

The three angel's messages is present truth and vitally important as this earth's history is about to close. Let's go into depth of the significance of this amazing message, and see what it practically means for us today....

Revelation’s Seven Seals

It is said that: "The fifth chapter of Revelation needs to be closely studied. It is of great importance to those who shall act a part in the work of God for these last days." {9T 267.1} Join us in an exciting study of Revelation 5 and 6,...

The 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures (Revelation 4)

A study on Revelation 4: The twenty four elders and the four living creatures. Who are they? Angels, humans, or representatives of other planets? Scripture: Revelation 4 Date and place: December 12 2015, AFCOE Europe, Germany.

Revelation’s Seven Churches, Part 2

Join us for a journey through Revelation's Seven Churches. Discover how these prophecies have been fulfilled through the ages, and the need and antidot of Laodicea. Watch part 1 here. Scripture: Revelation 2-3 Date and...