BIBLE PROPHECY IS FULFILLING Some days ago, Pope Francis along with two other main leaders in...
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Why is pork bad for you?
Is pork bad for you? Is swine unhealthy to eat? In a time where more and more people in the...
Famous but not Fulfilled The year was 1972, and...
The Story of Paul Henderson – Powerful Testimony
In 1972 Canada’s national hockey team played in a series against Russia. In the very last game, in...
10 Proofs that the Bible is the Word of God
Does it exist proofs that the Bible is the Word of God? Yes! We'll give you ten proofs in this...
Most Popular Bible Verse in 2020
The Most popular Bible verse in 2020! The amount of...
The Sabbath in the Greek – Use and Meaning of Sabbaton
The following is slightly adapted from an article called The Sabbath in the Greek - Use and...
Antichrist Cast Down the Truth – But God Restored It!
A thorough study on the topic of the antichrist will leave you with just one kingdom. Every...
Antichrist Revealed
Who is the antichrist? What do you think of when you hear “antichrist”? For most Christians it is...
Sabbath vs. Sunday Statements by the Catholic Church
“It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the...
Sabbath vs. Sunday Statements by Protestant Churches
On this page are some interesting statements on the Sabbath by Protestant Churches....
The Day of Atonement – God’s GPS part 2
In part 1, we saw that God's way, God's GPS (Gospel Plan of Salvation) is found in the Sanctuary....
Joseph Lister’s Revolutionary Discovery of Hygiene
One hundred and forty years ago, almost 50 percent of the patients undergoing major surgery died...
Tip Toes of History – A Closer Look at the Last Day Events
We are a privileged generation, living in the last days of this earth’s history. Humanity entered...
Source and Aim of True Education
Train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men’s thought...Instead of...
Revelation 13 and Current Events, part 1
A Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, Donald Trump, changes in...
Revelation 13 and Current Events, part 2
Watch PART 1 first A Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, Donald Trump, changes in...
End Time Deceptions, False Prophets, Trump, USA and the Papacy
Perfect Peace in an Imperfect World
What about the Psalms of cursing?
Psalm 137 is a very troubling passage written by someone right after Babylon forcibly relocated...
Newton’s Forgotten Discovery
Isaac Newton, known for making many groundbreaking discoveries in science, mathematics, and...
Daniel 7 References
References to different articles, such as Newton's Forgotten Discovery. 1. Burt, Daniel S....
Revelation – The Bride, The Beast & Babylon
The World's Most...
Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried. Quietly,...
In the Shadow
Where is God when I'm in the shadow?
A Prophet for This Generation
The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture, Part VIII
This is a continuation of 1 Corinthians 13: The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture. Many people...
The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture, Part VII
This is a continuation of 1 Corinthians 13: The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture. Many people...
The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture, Part VI
This is a continuation of 1 Corinthians 13: The Most Beautiful chapter of Scripture. Many people...
Revelation 13 – The World has Started to Wonder
A Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, changes in American politics,...