Was the Sabbath nailed to the cross? Some Christians claim that the Sabbath was nailed to the...
Famous but not Fulfilled
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dj3pBe3mDE&ab_channel=EmpowerMissions The year was 1972, and...
Bön – Varför hör inte Gud mig?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KQfN-iRisM Bön - Varför hör inte Gud mig när jag ber? Det är...
A Witch and the Powers of Darkness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f01IRz_ATG0 How powerful is a witch, and an evil spirit? Watch the...
Pope Francis to Joe Biden: Time to Heal Wounds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luTzpq0ELZo Has the time come, when the wound of the beast will be...
Most Popular Bible Verse in 2020
The Most popular Bible verse in 2020! The amount of...
Climate Change and natural disasters – What’s the Cause?
Media is full of climate change discussions, and...
Jesus coming: Will we repeat the history of the Jews?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmCo3G8GWUs Will Jesus coming be received in a similar way the...
Sabbath – The Forgotten Blessing
Society has forgotten this God-given blessing. Is the...
Vad händer efter döden?
Vad händer efter döden? Detta är en fråga som de...
Sabbaten och vilodagen, vad säger Bibeln? – Lördag eller Söndag?
Sabbaten gavs till människan redan i skapelsen. Var...
De tio buden och lagen – vad säger Bibeln?
Är de tio buden en del av lagen som spikades till korset, vid Jesu...
500 Years of Reformation – Is the Protest over?
Short report from the mission trip called Empower Lund, during the...
10 Important Thoughts to Remember in Life
1. When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say....
Like a Mustard Seed
The kingdom of God often starts small, but grows big.
Revelation 13 and Current Events, part 1
A Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, Donald Trump, changes in...
Revelation 13 and Current Events, part 2
Watch PART 1 first A Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, Donald Trump, changes in...
Revelation – The Bride, The Beast & Babylon
The World's Most...
Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried. Quietly,...
The Provider
Three short lessons from Our Provider.
In the Shadow
Where is God when I'm in the shadow?
Joel Mellin to meet Israeli State in Court after Imprisonment
Joel Mellin and Christian Hjortland were denied entry...
A Prophet for This Generation
Go Green (Norsk)
Lær et par enkle men essensielle og avgjørende egenskaper for suksess...
A Greater Reality
Are there more to the reality, than what it seems from your...
In Every Tongue
Revelation’s Seven Seals
It is said that: "The fifth chapter of Revelation needs to be closely...
The 24 Elders and 4 Living Creatures (Revelation 4)
A study on Revelation 4: The twenty four elders and the four living...
Revelation’s Seven Churches, Part 2
Join us for a journey through Revelation's Seven...