by Dr. H.M.S. Richards The Lord has given to every man his work. It is his business to do it and...
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Incredible Mission Story | Angel Testimony from Tanzania
Evangelistic Efforts in a Costal Town in Tanzania This incredible story comes to us from Africa,...
Antichrist Cast Down the Truth – But God Restored It!
A thorough study on the topic of the antichrist will leave you with just one kingdom. Every...
Member vs. Disciple
The member wants to receive bread and fish, the disciple is a fisherman. The member wants to grow,...
Fishermen’s Reform
Do you long for a revival in our Church? We need to...
Why Volunteering for God is a Job
During my lifetime, I have been doing a lot of volunteer work: For my Church, charitable...
IMPACT Copenhagen 2015
The Recordings for IMPACT Copenhagen 2015 are now available. We hope you will be blessed!...
The Two Ditches of End Time “Speculation”
Photo: Christian Hjortland / Digna My favorite author put it this way: “There is in human nature a...
Is It Time to Keep Silent?
- Silence! It rang through the room. The message was clear. Yet, there were so many important...
It is More Blessed to Give…
God's Character and Identity «God is love.» (1 John 4:8). He has been since the beginning; love...
Empowered Through 2014
About eight months ago, Empower Missions had its beginning. Since then, our vision has been to...